This is a lovely traditional looking fibreglass cat-rigged sailing dinghy. Round bottomed with transom hung rudder and centreboard, full flotation, watertight storage locker, and varnished mahogany trim. Cat rig can be gaff or marconi. Suitable for use in protected waters with a maximum capacity of 4 persons. Can be sailed, rowed or used with a small outboard. Comes with black or white gelcoat, traditional Bristol Beige deck.
Pricing: Please contact us for current pricing
Boat complete includes:
- Varnished Sitka Spruce Spars, with blocks and braided dacron control lines (halyards and sheet)
- Stainless Steel forestay with turnbuckle
- Tanbark DOYLE gaff sail
- Varnished tiller with tiller extension
- Aluminum Centreboard with braided dacron control lines, blocks and cam cleat
- Bronze oarlock sockets and oarlocks.
- Paddle
- Oars
- Trailer
- Outboard

Designer; Charles Wittholz
Lenghth 11′
Beam 5′
Draft cb up 8″ Draft cb down 2’11”
Weight 180lbs
Sail area 80 square ft